

Dataproces as a legal entity is associated with the project as a technical partner. In the project, Dataproces will primarily assist in data processing (e.g. extracting, merging and enrichment of various datasets) along with the development of a web service where participants of the hackathons can access data. Secondarily will assists in technical issues during the hackathons.
Dataproces’ core business is digital income and operation optimization for Danish municipalities. Which has made Dataproces a leading expert in Big Data analysis and data processing, and a pioneer in system integration for Danish municipalities.
More concrete Dataproces’ computer scientist is highly experienced in extracting data and make it available for Dataproces’ statistician and analysts in a fitting format, so these professionals can comprehend it and use it to create value almost immediately.
Basically, Dataproces works for a ”smarter” society where decisions are grounded in data and where a smooth digital case work supports a world class public sector. For the municipality, the realization of this vision involves a release of those resources that today are allocated to the administration of core tasks through automation and a coherent digital infrastructure.
Roles and responsibilities are clear in the project organization, thou management are very close to the production. CEO Morten Lindblad along with engineer Michael Jannis Pedersen and business developer John Linaa Holbøll will be integral to Dataproces’ contribution to the O4C project.
Roles and responsibilities are clear in the project organization, thou management are very close to the production. CEO Morten Lindblad along with engineer Michael Jannis Pedersen and business developer John Linaa Holbøll will be integral to Dataproces’ contribution to the O4C project.