

The project team at Politecnico di Milano will be a group of researchers belonging to the Departement of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU). The team involved in the project has long experience in research and development projects. Specific competences of the DAStU team that will serve the O4C project focuses on socio-digital innovation and participatory activities in urban services development, urban policymaking, and innovation governance. The DAStU team is active in basic and applied research in different fields such as urban management and strategy making, policy making and urban governance; participatory scenario building, co-design methodology and techniques, community driven design and planning. The DAStU team will coordinate the whole workpackage 3 and will cope on other tasks where its competence adds in value the project work.
DAStU has has been and is responsible of many consultancy activities for local, regional and national administrations as well as national SMEs and International companies on the theme of participatory urban management and strategy making, design led innovation, scenarios building for innovation and innovation governance. DAStU is partner of the Italian University Association for the Urban Agenda.